
Service Providers

Bring Together Service Providers With Their End Customers

Quickly set up a service marketplace centered on wellness, sports, photography, health, travel, and many other sectors

Sell anywhere, sell on all channels

1. Your Service Providers

Add very easily your partners

Each service provider has their own space and manages their service offerings independently


2. Catalog of Services

Your service providers independently manage the specific details of each service offered

Each service can be defined by its schedule, geolocation, duration, and the option to pick a video consultation.


3.Booking system

The services offered on your marketplace can be booked

End customers can book a service directly. The marketplace offers a shared, common calendar


4.Secured Payment

Quotes & Payments

Each partner decides whether their service requires a quote, is offered for free, or is directly payable

They are using Tampl
Boost your sales with built-in SEO, use of AI for product description and campaign management